International Activities

Governance and Educational Oversight
The Chartered Banker Institute is a global professional education body for bankers, based in the UK. Established by Royal Charter, we are a not-for-profit educational charity. Our organisation, and courses and qualifications, are subject to scrutiny from a number of external bodies:
- Approval from the UK’s Privy Council to award the ‘Chartered Banker’ designation to members meeting the highest standards of professionalism
- As a not-for-profit educational charity (Charitable body - No. SC013927) we are regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
- By the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), since the Institute is a FCA Accredited Body
- By the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), in our capacity as an Awarding Body and an approved Credit Rating Body
Royal Charter
We have the unique right, through the achievement of our Royal Charter awarded by the Privy Council of the United Kingdom, to award the Chartered Banker designation to individuals meeting our educational and professional standards
To achieve Chartered status, organisations must demonstrate eminence, stability and permanence in their particular field.
Registered Charity
We are registered with the OSCR. Charitable body - No. SC013927
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
For information about accredited bodies:
General overview:
Detailed regulations, and accreditation procedures:
SCQF ‘Awarding Body’ and ‘Credit Rating Body’
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework:
In order to obtain SCQF regulatory approval it is necessary to ‘demonstrate a successful track-record’ and provide ‘external evidence of validity and reliability’ and be able to draw on ‘appropriate sector/subject/industry and level expertise’.
Financial Services Qualification System (FSQS)
We are proud to be FSQS approved. This accreditation mark indicates that we have demonstrated our commitment and credentials to the industry.
Global Regulators
Our Green and Sustainable Finance Certificate is accredited by the:
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
Singapore Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF)