Register of Banking Professionals

  • 5 December 2019
  • Press release

We are pleased to announce a new service available on the Institute website. As part of our commitment to improving public trust in the sector, we will be launching a new Register of Banking Professionals on 9 December 2019.

The Register has been designed to provide basic confirmation of the professional standing of those qualified institute members that are eligible for a Certificate of Professionalism. All Institute members able to download a Certificate of Professionalism from their member homepage should find that they appear on the register.

We hope the public (and members) find it simple to use. By searching a name, our Register will return basic information about any qualified member matching that name, showing their grade of membership, the organisation they work for, and whether they have any approved status [qualified in retail investment advice or mortgage advice].

To emphasise the importance of having such a service available, the FCA will be using it as part of their interim solutions as they extend the Senior Manager and Certification Regime to all regulated firms this December. The FCA’s new Directory of Individuals, which will hold key information about all individuals holding Senior Manager positions or that fall under the Certification regime, is expected to be launched in March 2020 and at first will hold information from banks and other deposit takers. Until then, the FCA will signpost our Register from their website and we will play our part in helping the public verify the professional standing of the members providing them with financial services.

As is natural, some members will wish to search on their own names and/or those of colleagues and friends. If you find the data does not match what you expect, we would recommend you first of all log in via the Members’ Homepage to check, and update the details we hold for you [or in the case of friends and colleagues – perhaps ask that they do the same].

Members may also wish to ensure their employer is aware of their membership with the Institute, as the FCA is currently collecting key data from banks with regard to Senior Managers (SMFs) and those under the Certification regime. This includes membership of Accredited Bodies, of which we are one.